How to Be Honest with Ourself in the 3D World of Ego

3 min readJan 15, 2024
Photo by Vaibhav Pixels on Unsplash

The first thing to consider is that you’re the only one who exists in this world. I mean we all are one. So if we lie to others then we’re just lying to ourselves.

Once you’re awakened you realize that you’re alone in this whole universe and there is no otherness. So who you’re afraid of?

And why you’re creating guilt by not being honest with Yourself and the fragments of yours?

You think you can lie to save your ego. But you’re just perpetuating the cycle of suffering. Why because you’re afraid to tell the truth because you will be dead.

But the real Self will never cease to exist, only your Ego will die. Not even die, it’ll be transcended into something beautiful.

The ego is just a self-defence mechanism that is ready to protect you from any hurt. But if you identify with this, then one day you’ll surely get hurt and cease to exist.

Once you’ve realized your authentic self, that there is something more to your existence than mere survival-based ego, only then you’ll taste the fearlessness. Then the fears will be gone.

In love, you get a glimpse of that everlasting eternal something inside you. Which is Love.

But the ego which is so embedded in the 3D world of form just associates that with the other person in this case the lover or the vice versa beloved.

Just know that the lover and the beloved will die but the love shall not. It’s the energy, it’ll stay in the cosmos to be reexperienced.

There is no linear time, more so there is no you. Why can’t you realise that? Cause you’re getting in your own way by getting attached to the form of lover and the beloved.

Actually, you’re just the energy of love that is manifesting to express itself in polarities. In other words, so if you are attached to the observer, he or she will die and also you.

What if you’re just what’s being observed, you shall remain forever. What’s being observed is the love between the two is never going to die.

You’ve to become aware of this slight distinction. The truth is subtle, if you don’t pay attention, you’ll miss it. You’ll become attached and Buddha said that attachment brings suffering.

It’s not that you need to lie or be honest with yourself, it’s just you need to become more conscious.

If you’re conscious, then whatever will come out of your mouth will be sweet. Even in your ferociousness, there will be kindness.

So don’t lie or try to force yourself to be honest, just be more conscious and all the lower rationalizations will drop on their own.

Through Truth (honesty), you can peel yourself like an onion and reach your core, the same core where love and peace emanate when you’re in someone’s presence who is special to you.

Note: I’m back. I’m going to write without trying to be a perfectionist. In the past, I’ve tried to self-censor myself on topics that I loved or the insights that only my intuition told me.

But I’m tired of not living up to my fullest potential. I want to express what I think and feel fearlessly. If people accept me for who I am, they’re welcome.

I will write every day for the next week to be more authentic as a writer spontaneously. It’s a challenge and I’m up for it. Thanks for reading : )




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