Twin Flame

How to get in Union with your Twin Flame?

Twin Flame is not a soulmate and they came into your life for a reason, to wake you up from the deepest slumber.



Well, first thing first, when did we ever get separated from them? That’s the main question to ponder upon. The greatest illusion for humans to transcend on this planet earth is the illusion of separation. Nothing is disconnected even if it seems so at first glance. And don’t try to think about it and there is nothing to do to understand to realize this macro perspective.

As soon as you start thinking about oneness with everyone just know that the mind (Ego) will fail in its very attempt to understand it conceptually. The mind fails to grasp oneness because its sole duty is to fragment reality and filter the object and subject as separate things.

Thoughts fragment and compartmentalise the reality of Oneness.

Let’s take the Twin Flame example (it’s the same person and the same soul). But our egoic mind sees them as separate persons. So the mind tries to get close to them or unite with them cause it’s seeing that person (your Twin Falme) and this person (you) as two separate entities. In reality, you’re the same soul and the same person. Have you ever said that I want to unite with myself? or marry myself? It doesn’t make sense. Right?

The parts of yourself like your head and hand work in tandem with the heart and overall being. You don’t view these parts of your body as separate, right? You consider yourself holistically as the entity called “You”. All body parts are one unit and work in harmony even though each serves a different purpose. So consider them (your TF) as the reflection of your innermost parts. That’s why Twin Flame came into your life to trigger you to your core.

They’re what you’ve always avoided within yourself. So union and separation aren’t going to work here. You can’t unite with the other half of your soul. The same as you can’t unite with your soul. How could you do so? Cause You’re the soul. You’re the consciousness. But you’ve forgotten who you are? It’s like you’ve fallen asleep to the truth about yourself and love came in life to remind you of that by waking you up from the deepest slumber.

You may be wondering. (Ibrahim, tell me what can I do to get my Twin Flame back or at least tell me how can I connect with my soul?) You don’t have to do anything to unite with them. There is nothing to do. Just be yourself. You’re your soul. You can only unite with something that you perceive as separate from you.

But, if you’re so adamant about one step, let me give you one. Realize that you’re not separate in the first place. You’re that which you’re seeking. Twin Flame is a spiritual journey. You don’t have to heal your karmic wounds or clear past life karma, balance your inner feminine or masculine, watch tarot readings and open your chakras to be just disappointed when you wouldn’t be able to get in union with your physical Twin.

You’re doing it in the hope of getting your Twin Flame back. You don’t have to fix yourself. It’s your egoic mind telling you that it needs fixing or some kind of repairing. It means you’re stuck at the level of mind and ego. Get out of it. Detach yourself from the mind. You’re not your mind, you are your soul.

Those are astral plane things and it’s has nothing to do with the Soul. You’re only setting up for more hurt and I’m saying that doing things to get them is only going to repel your Twin even more. Anyway, check out this diagram I made to illustrate the concept of the simultaneous incarnation of the same soul.

Here are the three reminders you can remind yourself every day.

  • I am my Twin Flame
  • I am Soul
  • I am

Note: I will continue on this topic whenever I’ve time in my hand. Right now super busy with work. You can join my newsletter. I only send one email per month to not overwhelm your inbox. I also don’t like when somebody starts sending multiple emails and it just gets crowded. So yeah, hope you enjoyed this article and I’ll see you in the next one. Love you : )




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