Member-only story
For most people, the Twin Flame journey is a journey to get back their Twin Flame. They’re missing the key here as to why they end up in this situation from a higher perspective. That’s the spiritual part.
If you as a (Push-Energy) TF have gone through DNOT (Dark Night of the Soul) it means you’ve been put on to the path of spiritual ascension forcefully by the universe. No more dancing around and living life unconsciously. What you’ve gone through is the forced spiritual awakening.
Now you have a choice whether to come willingly onto the path of Spiritual Ascension or to keep boiling in the intense suffering as you keep on chasing your Twin Flame further. The wise are those who take on these words and start applying these teachings for their own benefit.
To keep detaching from what their mind is saying and come to their Soul Reality. The world of the Soul is Peace, Joy, and Love. This 3D world on the other hand is full of wariness and suffering caused or projected by the mind.
The Ego Weeps for what it has Lost. But the Spirit Rejoices for what it has found.
The soul is whole and it knows nothing of lack but the mind is busy counting what it lost and…