Twin Flame

Understanding Twin Flame Union In 5D

If you’re separate from your soul, you’ll become separate from the other half of your soul



Photo by kabita Darlami on Unsplash

Usually, people are craving to meet their Twin Flame as if it’s going to end their eternal yearning for their soul. They think that once found it’s going to remove the void they no longer wanna face inside them. But boy Twin Flame is a whole other thing to be dealt with.

It’s more than any romantic, sexual, platonic relationship dynamic out there. The sole purpose of the Twin Flame is to wake you up. Shake your whole being. You’ve forgotten who you are? You’ve to remember yourself. The divinity that is present inside you.

It’s said: “When reincarnation happens, it splits the soul in half. Two halves are then put in two different bodies, and there will be a feeling of something missing until the two halves are reunited. You share the same soul and, hence have a deep and intense connection.”

So the question many of you might be wondering what is Twin Flame. Is it something new in the market? Nope… It’s actually the oldest form of technique the universe (the cosmic soul) tries to make someone realize that, hey…you’re one with the whole universe but first learn to be in union with that person even if there is a distance or separation in the 3D.

Even if the Twin Flames are on the opposite side of the earth, they’re still connected somehow through the particle’s entanglement. They’re one with each other no matter what. This is a micro lesson the higher self is trying to teach you. If two can become one and be in a harmonious state then surely you can be united with other fragments of the universe.

We are all made up of stardust. You’re not in the universe. Instead, you are the universe. who else you could be? You’ve hidden yourself from the world for thousands of years, and wear up a mask to put on a show. Now it’s time to open up like a flower to blossom and let go of all the worldly attachments. Throw away the mask of trying to be someone else and pretend that somehow you’ll find peace, love, and joy.

The fact is all these emotions are present inside you. But you’re absent. People who tap into these emotions through, the exogenous substances just shut off the lower states thus allowing them to experience the higher ones. Remember, there is no high without the low just like there is no mountain top without the valleys. You’ve to be with both. Crying yet feeling joy or feeling happy but tears flowing down the cheeks.

Speaking of being present and absent with your soul, it reminds me that both twins are running away in one form or another. The runner in the twin flame dynamic is running away from the chaser, and the chaser is running away from their soul.

Usually, the chaser is more awakened compared to the runner. But keeps forgetting to keep up with the spiritual practices. Just like people take medications every day, you have to do meditations every day. The only way to find peace and love is within the sanctuary of your soul.

Once the chaser returns to the soul and lives in alignment with the higher self, so does the runner who is running away from them. For a chaser, they must surrender to the soul and not run away. Otherwise, the running and chasing will continue for the whole life.

As a chaser, you’ve to let go of the ego fully and might even go through intense ego degradation, as you’re an older soul, the universe is entrusting you with more responsibility. As for the runners, cause they manifested on this earth only a few times, the universe is lenient on them and only wants them to surrender at least to one person and open their hearts when it’s required.

They also go through ego degradation but not full-blown. The universe is only teaching them to drop half of their egoic notions. The ego can only be dropped once it has fully developed. Imagine asking a child to drop it’s ego. The younger the soul, the more it needs to develop its ego and self-preservation tactics as it perceives everything from the egoic lens of separation and duality.

Let’s wrap this up, I would give my final say to both the runner and chaser. If you’re so adamant about chasing, then why not chase your soul? not the other half of your soul. For the runner, if you’re so adamant about running away from the other half of your soul, then ask this question: Am I running away from my divine counterpart or am I running away from facing my own heart?

The chaser must surrender to the soul. The runner must surrender to the heart. Only then the union take place if needed. Just know that you’re already in union with them in the 5D whether you realize it or not. So live your life with that deep knowing.

I want to end this with Immanuel Kant’s quote:
“The Mind doesn’t know the Way
The Heart has already been there
the Sou never Left”

Thanks for reading, blessings to everyone 🙌 until then keep smiling and shining my dear internet pals : )

Note: I wrote words as they came. If they trigger someone, it’s their job to do reflection and heal the wounds. I wrote without thinking. My words moved hearts and required a deep understanding of the Self. I don’t write here to assuage the pain of anyone’s ego.

In fact, I would say it’s better if something is triggering your ego, it’s one more opportunity to surrender to the soul and feel oneness with the whole cosmos. It’s only the egoic filters that are withholding you from the greatest realization of the truth.




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